The UK Treasury are backing Northern Rock right up to the hilt to the tune of about £950 per head of the UK population. In other words, the same sum as above of your taxes this year, has gone to keep Northern Rock afloat.
In reality this is chickenfeed.
What want to avoid is a run on the banks. Scared little middle class rich people ran to the nearest branch of their Northern Rock bank and waited in line like lemmings to draw out their wonga.
Just how daft is that?
If you want security for your money, buy gold. Yes the price of gold does go up and down but gold retains considerably more value than any paper money ever will.
Still not convinced about gold?
Go to the O2 Dome here in Greenwich and gaze upon the magnificent sight of HM King Tut's treasures. Sorry to say that the Egyptians in their wisdom are not allowing King Tut's death mask, the most priceless gold object on Earth, to leave Egyptian soil. Can't say I blame them.
Buy Kruger Rand or Soverigns today - in years to come you'll be laughing all the way to the bank.
Five years ago I bought a gold watch for £300 - that same gold watch today is worth £900. Now that's what I call a good return.
If you want to make some real money in the next few years, buy lots of shares in Nuclear Power companies. In spite of the retoric, have been working flat out to install new Nuke power stations here in UK and up-date existing ones.
How much can you expect in return for your investment? Think in terms of a return of 160% over about three years.
Don't miss the boat. And don't blame me if the whole thing just crashes like the South Sea Bubble or the Dot.Com thing.
You cannot accumulate unless you speculate. Go 4 it.