The European Union probably means nothing to you & you think it has no affect on your daily lives.
Since 1974 when Britain entered the European Economic Market (EEC), we joined understanding that our Economy would benefit from being part of a Trade Union.
As we now know The European Union was set to become a Political Union all along, this means that 75% of Britain's laws and legislation are made in a foreign land.
The EU costs Britain £45 million a day to be a member. to put that in to perspective we could build a new NHS Super Hospital in the UK every week with the money currently funding the EU project.
Here's the best part Britain is the second largest contributor to the EU. France is richer than the UK yet they do not contribute as much.
The 1st of December last year, Lisbon Treaty came in to force effectively ending sovereignty of 27 European countries, the Lisbon Treaty is in fact the EU constitution. also it is self-amending which means the EU will no longer need to ask for the member states permission.
Consecutive Labour & Conservatives Governments have sold away what we have fought for thousands of years to preserve, France & Germany could never conquer Britain Militarily so now they are doing it Politically.
This list shows the Directives enforced in our country by the EU.
Home Information Packs (HIPs)
Fortnightly bin collections; Higher household electricity bills,
more wind turbines; Soaring water bills.
Consumer affairs:
Higher food prices; Written and pictorial health warnings on cigarette packets (including what font to be used)
Disappearance of the Crown signs on pints;
Lists of ingredients and warnings on food products; Phasing out of incandescent bulbs; Expensive electrical goods, and higher
Council tax;
New Royal Mail pricing rules; Bureaucracy at the bank; High price of energy saving products; Banning vitamins and minerals; Fewer and more expensive fish; Extinction of wathes of vegetable varieties; The end of selling in pounds and ounces only.
Transport and motoring:
Car booster seats for children; Photocard driving licences; End of many rural bus routes; Creation of Railtrack; Harder and more expensive motorcycle tests; Preventing the return of the Routemaster bus; In future, all new cars will need to keep headlights on during the day.
Law and order:
Government’s inability to expel EU criminals
from the UK.
Media, sport and Entertainment:
TV airtime quotas; Banning caps on foreign football players, higher wages, higher ticket prices for fans;Abolition of the 192 inquiries service and replacement with 118; Television advertising rules.
Banning workers from earning higher wages
instead of taking holidays.
The run on Northern Rock; Northern Rock downsizing;
Post office closures.
Fewer training hours for doctors, compromised
patient safety; Higher costs for the NHS.
Before you dismiss this, all this came from the horses mouth!
Here are all the references to EU Directives implemented in the last decade!
the EU’s Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Fortnightly bin collections. The EU’s Landfill Directive (1999/31/EC)
the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC),
the EU Tobacco Products Directive
Television Without Frontiers Directive (89/552/EEC).
Disappearance of the Crown signs on pints. The EU’s Measuring Instruments Directive
The EU’s Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment Directive (2002/96/EC),
the EU Postal Services Directive (97/67/EC)
Insurance Mediation Directive (2002/92/EC),
The Distance Marketing Directive (2002/65/EC)
The EU’s Food Supplements Directive (2002/46/EC)
EU law (Directive 80/181/EEC),
EU Directives 2003/20/EC, 91/439/EC, 98/95/EC, 2003/33/EC, (2001/37/EC), 2003/641/EC.
People in Britain need to wake up, we have to make sure no further powers are transferred to the EU in Brussels.
Our Great Grandfathers & Grandfathers fought for us in the cold trenches in WW1 and stopped Hitler in WW2, luckily we don't have to endure such a horrific fate, the sacrifice they made enables our Democracy to be upheld.
So all we have to do is leave The European Union by not Voting for Conservative/Labour/Liberal Democrats it's as simple as that.
Spread the word about The European Union, knowledge is power.
Use your Vote wisely, and don't take it for granted!