2011-05-08 08:36:40 UTC
So for 2 years....
Obama's unemployment rate remains at 9% (far above what he PROMISED we wouldn't see IF we passed his "Stimulus Plan" nonsense")
Terror attacks have NOT subsided with a "brother Muslim" (as Qudafi calls him) reaching out to Muslim states
Not only are we NOT out of Iraq, but Obama has a 3rd "war front" in Libya
Obama's spending has QUADRUPLED the Bush Deficit that Obama campaigned against
Obama STOLE GM and Chrysler ownership from 1st Position bond holders (forcing them to accept pennies on the dollar buyouts) and then GAVE ownership to the UAW
Obama's ties to ACORN were discovered, and ACORN's acts of fraud and illegality became public
Obama continues to favor his union donors with his attack on Boeing (who wants to locate to Carolina)
Obama the "constitutional scholar" has had his "Obamacare" ruled unconstitutional (twice)
Obama rammed through ObamaCare which EVERY review shows will explode the debt and weaken the quality of health care.
I can continue with a pretty lengthy litany of clear and obvious failures from the inexperienced Obama. Unlike 2008, Obama is no longer the "unknown". He has a measurable record (which stinks).
So the question is, WHY do people continue to defend him and are already talking about re-electing him? What causes this "devotion" for a man who has NOT done well at all?