2008-12-04 05:07:19 UTC
The Banks have just been bailed out by the British taxpayer, following the Banks and Governments incompetence.
These taxpayers are the very people the Banks will be making homeless, despite the fact that they have saved the Banks skin.
When the Banks reposess these homes they will sell them at a pittance of what they are worth, to cover the debt, selling them to developers, funded by the Banks.
These developers will rent or sell these homes to the evicted taxpayers at a profit for the developer and the Banks.
The homeless families are expected to hand over their keys with a smile because the Banks are all powerful despite the fact that it was their incompetence that created the mess in the first place.
Our Government will endorse this action.
The British people will stand by and watch thousands of families made homeless because of the Banks greed and the Governments failure.
This is the ultimate injustice.
What do you think?