I'm a FOREIGNER living here
I see corruption directed at foreigners every day
An example that I have experienced recently was as a result of a road traffic accident
I have a truck here which I use for personal use only
A tri-cycle drove into the side of my truck. He made no attempt whatsoever to stop, or even brake. This of course is common here. Filippino drivers are the worst I have encountered anywhere in the world. No tution, no discipline, no idea!
First the Traffic police arrived, then the regular police.
I was treated as the perpetrator.
ALL of my papers were intact. They have to be! As a foreigner I know how disrespectfully you treat us in this country.
Needless to say, the tricycle driver had no paperwork! No insurance. No license. Nothing.
It was soon clear to me that both police and tricycle owner were attempting to obtain money from me
I called the Mayor. He is a friend of mine
He came and the police became suitably agitated
He intervened and the matter was dealth with and the driver was fined. Just a token amount.
You Filippinos allow these people to transport you around.
They are dangerous
They put your lives at risk
The LTO is just one of the corrupt governemnt departments that I deal with here
They cheat EVERYBODY, foreigners and Filippinos alike. They charge TWICE as much as the official government tariff for licensing and registration. And of course they "ADVISE" that no official receipt is given
And YOU Filippinos just accept this
You all say "THAT IS HOW IT IS HERE"
Shame on you
You voted for these people in power.
It is up to you to make a stand.
Let the government know that it is YOUR support that allows them to govern
This just doesn't happen in my country.
In answer to the original question NO, Mr Aquino has acheived nothing obvious. Certainly not as far as corruption goes.
He is a puppet, making all the right noises, and gestures
Like a toothless dog. All bark, but no bite.