It is ludicruous and everyone knows it. But few will hear it.
Kids take part in Halloween things at school and its not good when they request the day off. Its forced on ppl, even when you dont believe in it . Its pagen and its evil.
Many various religious things are taught, and many things taught that are wicked. But, the one thing they want stopped is not all religion, but the teachings of Jesus Christ. Kids wear dirty t shirts to school and often girls go half dressed, all to the ignoring of most of the staff. LIttle to nothing is ever done.
So much violence in schools today and drugs, just wicked horrible things. Kids can get birth control very young wihtout their parents permission, cuz its law. They can take a child down for an abortion and its ok. If that child gets pg, no teacher or staff person will raise that baby, or be there when that person gets older and has guilt over it. YEt they can make the decisions for our children. But, if my child wants an asprin for a toothache, they cant do it without my permission. Whats wrong with this picture folks.
We need wake up and see whats happening. Its the obvious undermining of all our values, ethics and Christian beliefs. You hear of ppl that are ready to fight for their rights now in all of this, as most feel we no longer have any.
If we cant talk about Jesus in schools, then how can they celebrate a day dedicated to the devil? IF they cant give my child as asprin for a toothache, how can they take my child and give birth control and even get an abortion without my permission?
They arent supposed to carry a Bible, let alone read from it in so many schools today. Yet, they write reports on false gods, and talk about them, etc.
Many schools have even taught the muslim religion at school, teaching diversity. WEll lets be truly diverse and teach it all, or teach none of it.
WE as Christians knew it was coming. Bible tells us what it will be like in these last days, and here we are.
But, instead of getting hateful, we are hopeful, as we know it only means Jesus is coming soon.
WE have much to celebrate. Keep living truth and speaking it without fear or compromise.
Full Gospel SHirley