So You can Read from a Halloween Book But Not from the Bible in School ?
2009-09-14 15:24:17 UTC
So Now People are trying to Ban the Bible.

Thoughts ?
29 answers:
☼ GƖơώ ✞ Ѡɪηǥs ☼
2009-09-14 16:07:07 UTC
Even more disheartening is the fact that other religions and books pertaining to their religion, are read and studied in American history classes. Yet the Holy Bible is not accepted nor studied in any part therein. Only those who can afford to send their children to a private school can study and retain the beautiful history and scripture from the Books of the Bible.
2009-09-14 23:48:06 UTC
Yes, there is definitely a double standard in many schools (probably being generous here). The public schools my girls went to would not allow a Bible even for private reading during free time and yet they made a big deal about halloween and all the kids heard these stories.

They also had for art projects the making of African spiritual masks. I love all cultures. I have family in Africa as well as many other places. But the purpose of the masks is to invoke their "gods". This is more than just learning about culture, but having the kids hands on partake in their religion.

I did have one very positive experience however when my daughter was in Head Start. I don't know if it was only this particular Head Start, but they did not allow any Bibles. But this was fine with me, because they actually kept all religion out of the program (no halloween, no witchcraft...).

I do not need the schools to teach my children the Bible. I do this myself. But I sure wish that they would keep ALL religion out of the schools then.
2009-09-15 13:03:03 UTC
The bible encourages free thought and form to bring one to a spiritual growth in GOD.

Something the NEA (National Education Association ) wants little of.

They do not want kids to question there motives or sources.

They want to encourage drugs and socialized agendas to our children.

Therefor the only way to disprove the bible is to ban it from schools in the first place.

Did you notice in high schools where they wish to study religions in general (and their history) the classes are under attack because the use of a actual bible in the class rather then some person's comment on it.

Teachers today do not push kids to find sources, study and sort for the truth but to accept sources as the truth even when they are wrong.

It is obvious that are schools started to fail, when the teachers failed the children and to remove school prayer and the bible.

You do realize it's only the bible they find offensive??
2009-09-15 13:07:53 UTC
the issue is parents need to support their children--since there are school groups there is an opening--a Bible club; now the ideal things is for Christian kids to attend and run it, they will need a sponsor team member--a Christian teacher.

When i was in High school we had a Bible club--i was the sponsor; since there are other groups we cannot be discriminated against--at that time there were some kids that wanted to start a 'satan club', most of the students (general population) tore the flyer's up.

But is wicca or witchcraft a recognized religion? i do know that Santeria--a form of voodoo religion is one. Therefore, no religion or any symbols of any one should be accepted, you know like they are doing in England--no head coverings or symbols the denote the religion to respect all religions. we win by actions--prayers, intervention, support of parents, elect the unbelievers out of the school board and not wait for others to take action be proactive.
2009-09-14 23:21:35 UTC
I am glad to see that the Rutherford group is demanding the Supreme Court get involved to make this something that they cannot do to the anyone wanting to read the Bible in school.

Jay Sekulow has been instrumental in making sure our rights as Christians are held up. And we are not told we cannot read the Bible or pray in public places.

2 Chronicles 7:14 (New International Version)

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

People are so afraid of Jesus. It proves the devil is behind all these people who want to get the name of Jesus off of everything.

They like the devil, they love the ghosts and goblins, they embrace psychics who channel demons, because non believers believe in nothing so they say all of it is foolishness trying as usual to discount God, and what Jesus did at the cross.

Had it been some book to do with Buddha they all would have cheered and said bring it on.

Sad and sick our society has become since letting madalyn ohare get prayer out of the schools. That day is a black eye to the Christians who did nothing.

Now we all need to pray and take back what the devil has stolen from us.

We can win if we do not join forces with non believers and believe God for the victory.

we must also support Israel.
full gospel shirley
2009-09-15 00:13:03 UTC
It is ludicruous and everyone knows it. But few will hear it.

Kids take part in Halloween things at school and its not good when they request the day off. Its forced on ppl, even when you dont believe in it . Its pagen and its evil.

Many various religious things are taught, and many things taught that are wicked. But, the one thing they want stopped is not all religion, but the teachings of Jesus Christ. Kids wear dirty t shirts to school and often girls go half dressed, all to the ignoring of most of the staff. LIttle to nothing is ever done.

So much violence in schools today and drugs, just wicked horrible things. Kids can get birth control very young wihtout their parents permission, cuz its law. They can take a child down for an abortion and its ok. If that child gets pg, no teacher or staff person will raise that baby, or be there when that person gets older and has guilt over it. YEt they can make the decisions for our children. But, if my child wants an asprin for a toothache, they cant do it without my permission. Whats wrong with this picture folks.

We need wake up and see whats happening. Its the obvious undermining of all our values, ethics and Christian beliefs. You hear of ppl that are ready to fight for their rights now in all of this, as most feel we no longer have any.

If we cant talk about Jesus in schools, then how can they celebrate a day dedicated to the devil? IF they cant give my child as asprin for a toothache, how can they take my child and give birth control and even get an abortion without my permission?

They arent supposed to carry a Bible, let alone read from it in so many schools today. Yet, they write reports on false gods, and talk about them, etc.

Many schools have even taught the muslim religion at school, teaching diversity. WEll lets be truly diverse and teach it all, or teach none of it.

WE as Christians knew it was coming. Bible tells us what it will be like in these last days, and here we are.

But, instead of getting hateful, we are hopeful, as we know it only means Jesus is coming soon.

WE have much to celebrate. Keep living truth and speaking it without fear or compromise.

Full Gospel SHirley
2009-09-15 06:31:21 UTC
There are many other cases that are also bad like this one. The Liberty Counsel takes care of some of these cases. It can be upsetting knowing what is going on in some cases. A valedictorian was giving a speech at her graduation, and as soon as she mentioned Jesus (as helping her) to get through school, a school official quickly turned off the microphone. I've heard of a number of cases like this---a girl was suspended for bowing her head in prayer for lunch one day.
2009-09-14 23:53:51 UTC
People can read The BIBLE in school. This has been challenged and the Supreme Court has always ruled that The BIBLE can not be treated as a banned book. Teachers may not force students to read it as a religion book, but they can read it as literature.
2009-09-15 12:31:57 UTC
My friend

We live in the last days, and it is this generation who will see our Lords return.

All these things are to come about. We need only look to the eastern shy, and pray for those we love, and who we know are lost.

There was a time when no one would lay anything upon the top of the Bible, it held that much respect, not so today.

blessings to you


your friend
2009-09-15 04:20:47 UTC
This brings up a very good issue actually Lightning. Why are books on "Spirituals" and "Spirituality" allowed because they're supported by the secular community and not the other beliefs? Since I don't believe in "Spirits," why do we allow our children to view and study about cults and rituals that are practiced by atheists, and non-believers alike?
rick gandil
2009-09-14 22:34:51 UTC
I'm not sure if it should be illegal, as it was student directed, not teacher directed, but that parent seems rude and inconsiderate. Why is this kid's parent reading from the Bible to the other public kindergarten students if not to proselytize?

If a muslim parent sent his child to school to read from the Koran as an effort to convince young christian students to convert to islam, would you be ok with that? What if your kid came home from school and said that he learned that jesus was a lesser prophet and mohammed was the one true prophet?

Why get into this in kindergarten?
2009-09-15 19:23:15 UTC
Hispanic at the disco, the Qu'ran is already allowed in public schools at the example of our "president'. In fact he is permitting the proliferation of it to the public. Yet, he mocks Christianity.

Obama Hates Jesus Christ Obama Hates Jesus Christ. Obama's Motivation is His Own Ego.

Obama Denies Jesus...Again! (4/16/09) Fox News reports that Georgetown University was asked by President Obama's staff to cover a monogram symbolizing the name a Jesus before Obama agreed to speak there. The monogram was on the stage ...

CNN - End of Christian America? (4/13/09) Anderson Cooper and his guests, Tony Perkins (Family Reasearch Council), and Mel White ( talk about where Christianity stands in America today.

Remember 2 Chronicles 7:14, If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

In Christ


A=postolic, B=eliever, I=n, O=ne, G=od, Jesus
2009-09-16 00:07:17 UTC
That was wrong with everyone today! Went they took the Bible out of the school.look how the kids are today?They need the Bible!! We were here first!!
† PRAY †
2009-09-15 02:57:12 UTC
It is because people hate God and it is becoming very obvious these days..

They will soon ban much more than the bible. Persecution is just around the corner.
2009-09-15 00:53:37 UTC
Should be pretty simple for the supreme court.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;

This is definitely prohibiting the free practice of religion.
2009-09-14 23:19:30 UTC
You must realize that satan is the prince of this world and if you were to see the world the way God sees it without human eyes, you would realize and understand why this is all going on. Satan (angel of light, prince of the earth) is leading people astray left and right so its not surprising to me and he is at work deceiving people.

That is why it is our duty as christians to stand and fight this world with Gods word which is the only truth that we can spread and trust. We as servants are to make Gods will be done on earth as it is in heaven, as it says in scripture. Reading Gods word in the bible explains why these things happen and the more we grow in Gods word the less confused we become and the stronger we become in faith while gaining insight and understanding.

2 Cor. 11:14-15

14 "But I am not surprised! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is no wonder that his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. In the end they will get the punishment their wicked deeds deserve"

1 Peter 5:6-11

6 "So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time he will lift you up in honor. 7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.

8 Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil. He prowls around like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. 9 Stand firm against him, and be strong in your faith. Remember that your Christian brothers and sisters[b] all over the world are going through the same kind of suffering you are.

10 In his kindness God called you to share in his eternal glory by means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a little while, he will restore, support, and strengthen you, and he will place you on a firm foundation. 11 All power to him forever! Amen."
Pastor Art (((SFECU)))
2009-09-15 05:48:25 UTC
All religious books are allowed in schools these days, except the Bible.
2009-09-15 02:00:27 UTC
My thoughts are that it would help to evangelize the school system if they would start having public Bible burnings like happened during the reformation.

As a Christian, I am much in favor of banning the Bible from school.

Teenage kids LOVE to do what is "forbidden."

Perhaps we could get the President's National Civilian Defense Force to waterboard any student caught reading the Bible on school property. Or is that a whole 'nuther bad subject?
2009-09-15 13:23:43 UTC
Satan hates God and anything that has to do with Him. There are billions of people who hate the Lord (they do not know Him and choose not to). These people are in places of authority and they wield this power over others--sometimes with an iron fist.

These people, in delusional ambition to create 'heaven on earth', wish to create a world devoid of absolute truth and, therefore, prepare their place in Hell prior to their arrival.
Deb S (SFECU) pray4revival
2009-09-15 00:15:47 UTC
Anything goes in Public Schools, except for the Bible.

God's Word is too convicting to those who are perishing and they can't handle that.
2009-09-14 22:33:49 UTC
@Hispanic at the Disco: this is not a case of government favoritism or promotion of a religion. Discriminating against the little girl is actually promoting a "religion" in itself, which is against what the founding father's originally wanted. The government is supposed to be NEUTRAL on the issue.

EDIT: I should add I guess that I am an agnostic Libertarian.
Regina (SOC)
2009-09-14 23:28:50 UTC
Welcome to the spirit of anti-Christ. Tear down Christ and His church, that is the work of the devil and his followers.

We need to fight for our rights as Christians - since there are many who would like to snuff us out.

God bless America.
Hispanic at the Disco
2009-09-14 22:32:48 UTC
I suppose you're a Christian as are the majority of Americans but it's not about atheists. It's about other religions. Suppose instead of reading from the Bible they wanted to read some of Islam's teachings, they would have to allow it. The government can't favor any religion over another.
2009-09-14 23:23:25 UTC
One of the reasons I'm homeschooled.
Judie(((ST JUDE KIDS)))
2009-09-14 23:26:53 UTC
Glow Wind is right in this one.
2009-09-14 22:33:38 UTC
My view is that if the child wants to be in a school where people read from the bible, then send the child to a private catholic or christian school. There are reasons for separation of church and state!
Karl P
2009-09-15 15:16:02 UTC
I agree withy "Pitybluesboy", and also "Hyacinth"!! ;)
The Collector
2009-09-14 22:28:45 UTC
Halloween isn't offensive to Atheists... Wouldn't want to hurt peoples feeling or try to save anyone now would we...
2009-09-14 22:39:25 UTC
Because there is only one God. And He is named The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.