so my mothers has been getting a survivors benefits check for me every month since my dad died three years ago, when i was thirteen. most of the time she was about 2 hrs away at her boyfriends house, and would leave me home by myself for days or weeks at a time and i would be left without food, sometimes even soap, tampons, etc. she would tell me i didnt deserve it. this went on for about two years before she officially moved in with him. i ended up moving there too but only for about three months. i moved out because my mother is a rotten person and makes me feel horrible about myself. i ask her to buy me things every so often, mostly because im in a position that its impossible for me to have a job. But everytime i am told no. i ask her for things like shampoo, abd toothpaste... but its been over two months and ive gotten nothing. she stole my clothes & wont allow me to have them. i have one outfit and im lucky enough to have a sister whos clothes i can wear sometimes. other than that i have nothing. i cant even get her to answer my phone calls.. i havent talked to her in weeks. im planning to get a new payee and i was wondering if i can pick who i want to be the payee & what kind of documents need to be brought to my ss apointment. i was also wondering how hard it would be to get her in trouble with social security if i tipped them off about her & if they made her pay everything back would the money get sent to me/my payee? or would they keep it?