Q: Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, for whom does he work?
He's appointed by George Bush and approved by the Senate. He is sworn to obey the US Constitution, but for all practical purposes he works for the president.
Q: Didn't Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson urgently request discretionary authority to spend $750 Billions to rescue US economy from mortgage jeopardy?
A: Yes he did, but this half-baked plan was originally designed for the purpose of allowing George Bush's family and friends to rip off the US Treasury - not to stabilize the US Economy.
Q: Why is he now taking the initiative to direct funds to the institutions who helped to create the questionable mortgage securities?
The problem is that if all these banks and financial institutions (quasi-banks) declare bankruptcy at once there would be a domino effect and the whole economy would collapse and everyone would lose their money except the $250,000/account guaranteed by the FDIC in the federally chartered banks.
Q: Are "We The People" ignorant enough to overlook this clever ineptitude?
A: "We The People" are deliberately being kept in the dark by a criminal administration that should have been impeached 5 years ago for their criminal actions. Unfortunately, Congress is scared to death to act against the Bush Crime Family because it appears that Bush has threatened to kill each and every member of Congress who would act against him.